Thursday, September 5, 2013

Good Vs. Bad Composition (but all good)


This photo was taken on a back road of Carroll County and definitely creates movement.  It is quite symmetrically balanced and harmonious which I believe creates a good composition because it is unified and keeps the viewer interested.

Although this photo does not create a lot of movement, nor does it have a very wide variety of color it is still an example of good composition because even though the squirrel is the focal point in this photograph, it is off center which allows for a successful integration of the background and foreground.

I took this picture while on break at work and I believe it has good composition because the focal point is not in the center of the page, there is movement from both lines and colors, has a variety of shapes, colors and lines, the "economy" is unified and it's asymmetrical balance creates an aesthetically pleasing photograph.

This picture, taken at one of my favorite places to be during the summer, is of the Orioles.  It definitely incorporates some different patterns and texture to create an interesting picture.  In my opinion there really is no focal point but I love the O's so I posted this on my blog to show an example of good composition as well.

I didn't want to upload any pictures with bad composition because they don't interest me too much.

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